I recieved some really devasting news today. Our child we sponsor from Tanzania has passed on. He died from malaria last week, July 9th. I am so sad. I don't really have any other words. I know he is in a better place, but the selfish part of me was looking forward to recieving letters from him and pictures, hoping he would have a better life and know that he was loved by his other family on the other side of the world. He was only six years old. He had such a handsome face, I was hoping to get a picture of him with a smile on it, but I am sure he is smiling down from heaven. I miss him, you probably wonder how I can miss someone I've never met, but I do. I've been praying for him and loving him and his family since we saw his face, just a few short months ago. I knew he was the child I wanted to sponsor and Josh agreed as well. I just pray he knew we loved him. Maybe this was meant to be motivation to take more action for this dying world. Leoboi, you will forever be in my heart. I love you, I'm so sorry I didn't get to say goodbye, but you will not be forgotten.
I'm sorry to hear this. So sad! I also didn't realize you had a blog. I do too, but am not very good at updating.
Oh that is so sad! I will pray for you all and him too! He was blessed to have you on his side... you are a SUPER HEART!
In HIS love,
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